About Sigil Reading

When getting a sigil reading, I will need to know from what trybe to call the djinn. Each trybe deals with different aspects of majik and life. Below is a list of the trybes and what types of questions they can help give advice on and parts of your life they can help you improve:
Rainbow Trybe
Majik: Will/Pure
Planetary energy: Sol
New Beginnings: Addresses growth, strength, flexibility and vitality for beginning anew.
Spiritual: How connected are you to the inner and outer world? Are you satisfied with your relationship with your spiritual well-being?
Black Trybe
Majik: Death
Planetary energy: Saturn
Life Journey/Career & Family: Addresses your parents and ancestors, the journey of life (including your career), getting out in the world to make things happen, your ability to get and give help, and to create synchronizations.
How would others rate your contribution to society, or to them, as individuals?
Blue Trybe
Majik: Wealth
Planetary energy: Jupiter
Wealth & Prosperity: Represents abundance and prosperity as well as your sense of gratitude for the abundance you already have in your life.
Finance & Wealth: Are you earning enough income to satisfy your current needs? Are you financially setup for future growth in wealth?
Green Trybe
Majik: Love
Planetary energy: Venus
Love & Marriage: Represents your most important romantic relationship, your ability to nurture yourself and your lover, mother earth and devotion.
Love: Do you feel loved? How often are you expressing love to others?
Yellow Trybe
Majik: Ego
Planetary energy: Luna
Fame & Reputation: Represents your integrity and how you are known (and wish to be known) in the world.
Self-Image: Do you think highly of your abilities? Do you respect and love yourself? Do you appreciate yourself?
Purple Trybe
Majik: Sex
Planetary energy: Terra
Intimate Relationship: Represents your sense of joy, children, legacy, the future, openness, discernment as well as your ability to complete projects.
Recreation & Fun: Are you enjoying your life and making it fun? Are you satisfied with the level of activity that you do?
Orange Trybe
Majik: Academic
Planetary energy: Mercury
Knowledge & Self-Cultivation: Represents the cultivation of knowledge, skill-building and contemplation. “A place where wisdom can develop.”
Personal Growth: How focused are you on personal growth? Are you satisfied with your direction? Are you trying new experiences and seeking to learn?
Red Trybe
Majik: War
Planetary energy: Mars
Center/Chi: Represents your physical and emotional health, and finding your center and balance.
Health & Fitness: How physically healthy are you? Are you satisfied with your level of fitness? Are you satisfied with your diet?