Babalon Rising 2018

This year at Babalon Rising I will have a workshop and Ritual/Show:
The Temple of the Sonick Magus
In this ritual we will consecrate the spirit of the Magus to the work of the Sonick Temple by the Orders of Service, with a mix of sonick and visual sigil. The newly consecrated Magus will then finish any other workings to be done in the temple that night.
Sign of the Magus
“Have you seen the Magus Sign? It seems it is everywhere these last couple of days. “
“Where did it come from? What does it mean?”
Come learn the answers to these and other question you may not even realize you have. In this workshop we will view deeply into The Book of Dream Names, and learn the mystery of OLFO and MAJVS. A few lucky beings may even receive a gift from the Magus.